Posted in Books

2021 Reading Goals

Happy New Year! We made it to 2021, phew! I’m not one for resolutions but I do like setting some goals for the upcoming year and thinking of this time as the chance for a reset. One of the things I really want to do is to read more because, despite all the extra time at home that 2020 brought, I really didn’t read that many books last year. So, to help myself out, I’ve come up with a 2021 reading goal and a bingo card of some types of books I really want to give a go this year.

So, first thing’s first, I want to aim to read at least 25 books this year, that works out to a bit more than one every two weeks which I think should be manageable whilst still being an uplift on 2020.

Reading goals to get me out of my comfort zone:

  1. A book that’s less than 200 pages

I never usually read books less than 250 pages or more than 500 so I’m challenging myself to find a concise story I’ll enjoy.

2. A thriller

This is probably my least-read genre but I know thrillers are really popular so I want to give them a decent try this year.

3. A book with a film/TV adaptation (or upcoming adaptation) that I haven’t seen yet

If I see the film first, I won’t read the book so I’m going to force myself to get reading so I can watch any adaptations I want.

4. A book that has been recommended to me by someone else

I’m awful for neglecting recommendations. In fact, I’ve noticed I’m often less likely to read or watch something if it’s recommending to me somehow… clearly, I’m such a great friend!

5. A book that has been on my shelf for at least a year

Everyone buys books they end up not reading right away but I have quite a big backlog now that I need to get through.

6. A book I started but never finished

This is a callout post for my worst reading habit of abandoning books once I’ve started them.

7. A classic that is at least 100 years old

I read loads of classics when I studied English Literature at uni (and started quite a few I didn’t finish) but I haven’t read many since and that was three years ago – time to change that.

8. A book published in 2021

There are so many books already published that I’ve been meaning to read, I don’t want to lose sight of ones newly out this year.

9. A book set in a country I haven’t been to or read about before

I love reading books set in cultures I know nothing about so I want to have some fun with this one. Also, I wanted to set myself an extra task here of not just a country I haven’t yet visited but one I have never even read a book set in before.

Let me know your reading goals in the comments!


Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. My name's Georgia and I'm a 24 year-old Brit navigating life, both in and out of the blogosphere. I share my love of musicals, books, TV, films, history and dogs (watch out for every chance I get to mention Rebel, my labradoodle!) on this blog. Enjoy!

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